Share Purchase Plan Allotment

1 July 2016

 Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited (NZX: CRP) is pleased to advise that its share purchase plan (SPP) has been oversubscribed. 

CRP received applications for $616,137.71 under the SPP (in aggregate) against a total offer of $600,000.

Given the size of the excess and the administrative costs associated with undertaking scaling, CRP has decided to allot shares for the excess as a placement under Rule 7.3.5.

As a result of the above, the offer has no shortfall and the underwriters are released from their underwriting obligations for the SPP.


In addition, CRP has issued 8,748,333 further shares to qualified investors (New Shares).  The New Shares were issued at an issue price of $0.006 per share, being approximately $52,500 in aggregate. This completes all issuances that were permitted to be made under the pre break announcement dated 19 April 2016.

Full particulars of the share issues are set out below.

The Board is thrilled with the outcome of CRP’s capital raising efforts and thanks shareholders for their support of the company.

For and on behalf of the Board,


Chris Castle

Managing Director



Chatham Rock Phosphate (CRP) attends farmers’ seminar

30 June 2016

Chatham Rock Phosphate (CRP) attends farmers’ seminar

As advised in earlier shareholder communications, CRP is committed to supporting the development of more sustainable and resilient farming practices in New Zealand.

To learn more about the issues facing farmers and the farming sector CRP's executive team attended a seminar on how changes to fertiliser application and pasture management can improve a farm’s resilience, environmental footprint and financial performance, and the changing requirements to document farming practices and their environmental impacts.

The seminar was in Hastings and was hosted by Abron and the Hawkes Bay Regional Council.

Abron has been established for nearly a decade, operates throughout much of New Zealand and offers a fertiliser system designed to result in increased pasture and crop yields, healthier soils, and reduced environmental impacts.  

CRP is becoming actively involved, both in New Zealand and overseas, in the sourcing and marketing of fertiliser products, most notably rock phosphate intended for direct application. This clearly involves building relationships with both the ultimate users (the farmers) and with distributors/supplier and manufacturers of these products.

This strategy is being implemented now, preceding the development of our Chatham Rise rock phosphate deposit, and using our existing in-house expertise, because there is a clear and increasing demand for more environmentally sensitive fertiliser products. 


Kind regards,

Chris Castle


Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited

+64 21 558 185

Chatham Rock Phosphate will help save our rivers

The use of Chatham rock phosphate by NZ farmers will improve water quality, reduce carbon emissions, slow the accumulation of cadmium in soils and offer security of supply in a volatile market.

CRP has been observing with great interest the evolving dialogue about water quality in NZ’s waterways and the escalating concerns about nitrate and phosphate run-off.

None of this is news to us.

Chatham rock phosphate, found on the Chatham Rise, has been studied and tested by New Zealand scientists and agricultural institutes for more than 50 years. These tests have established that rock phosphate from the Chatham Rise has the following characteristics:

1.      It is a reactive phosphate rock that when applied directly to the soil binds in a manner that is both a very effective fertiliser and can reduce the runoff of phosphate to waterways by up 80% less finishing in the waterways when it rains heavily. We have already released this information to shareholders and the public . We have also provided advice on this matter (together with references to the relevant research findings) to the Minister for the Environment as long ago as December 2012.

2.      Cadmium levels in many New Zealand soils are at unacceptably high levels after decades of fertiliser application using phosphate rock sourced from Nauru. Due to this NZ’s two fertiliser manufacturers have volunteered to keep cadmium levels in manufactured phosphate fertilisers under 280 parts per million.  In recent years the predominant source of rock phosphate has been rock imported from Morocco. Cadmium levels can be so high in this phosphate rock that it needs to be blended with rock imported from other countries. Chatham phosphate rock has much lower cadmium levels, about 20 parts per million and is potentially valuable as a blend for manufactured phosphate fertilisers.

3.      Reduced carbon footprint. At present every kilogram of phosphate based manufactured fertiliser applied to New Zealand soils has already generated carbon emissions of 216 grams. The equivalent emissions for Chatham Rock Phosphate are estimated to be a quarter of that, principally because the transport related emissions are so much lower.  

4.      Chatham rock phosphate applied directly to the soil contains elevated levels of calcium which plays a critical role in plant root development and nutrient uptake as well as improving the soil’s physical structure and enhancing the life cycles of microbial life. 

These attractive environmental attributes do not come at the expense of reduced fertiliser effectiveness. Extensive independent field trials in the 1980s, corroborated by recent pot trials undertaken by Lincoln University, demonstrate that Chatham Rock Phosphate is, over time, as effective a fertiliser as superphosphate or even triple superphosphate.

Not using Chatham phosphate rock as a fertiliser will cause the New Zealand environment damage that could have been avoided. This will ultimately result in either a degraded environment or huge clean-up costs.

The economic benefits of using locally sourced rock are a no-brainer. 

Our mining costs are roughly equivalent to the transport costs of bringing rock to NZ from the other side of the world. Clearly we have a huge strategic advantage in market terms without even starting to consider the indirect environmental cost savings resulting from using Chatham rock phosphate.

Enquiries on any aspect of this release are welcome.


 Chris Castle


Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited

Mobile: +64 21 558 185


Announcement: RAMPartners SA issue Chatham buy recommendation

Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited
Market announcement
16 June 2016

RAMPartners SA issue Chatham buy recommendation

Geneva based investment banking firm RAMPartners SA met with Chatham Rock Phosphate
earlier this year and received our investor presentation with obvious interest. Subsequently
they requested the opportunity to prepare an independent, investor focused, research

This report has now been released and is available on our website as well as being filed on
NZX today. Alternatively, if requested I can email or post it to you.

The salient features of the report include:
1. A buy recommendation with a price target of NZ 50 cents compared with the
current market price of 0.7 cents, assuming a project valuation of NZD 472 million.
2. This independent valuation is based on a range of key assumptions by RAMPartners
relating to the market price of rock phosphate, Chatham’s production costs and
relevant currency interactions.
3. They include a detailed discussion of the forces affecting phosphate market prices
both now and in the future.
4. There is a detailed examination of the permit risk that Chatham still faces and the
evolving factors that are mitigating this risk
5. Finally, there is an intensive and potentially hard hitting evaluation of the calibre of
the Chatham project management team. Encouragingly we rate a very solid pass in
this respect – RAMPartners conclude that our management team “has the necessary
skills, ability, devotion, focus and skin in the game” to make our project work.

Obviously we are gratified that this independent report is so positive and confirms the
decision we made in February 2015 to continue notwithstanding the body blow we
sustained when the EPA unexpectedly withheld the Marine Consent.
The strong investor support we have received subsequently further tangibly evidences that
we made the correct decision.

Chris Castle
CEO – Chatham Rock Phosphate Ltd
+64 (21) 558 185
Skype: phosphateking

Chatham Rock Phosphate concludes private placement fundraising programme

New Capital Allotted

Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited (NZX: CRP) has issued a further 9,215,386 ordinary shares in CRP (Shares) to qualified investors at an issue price of $0.006 per share, raising $55,292.32 (in aggregate) in new capital. 

The issue of the Shares is authorised under the pre break announcement dated 19 April 2016.  CRP has now issued $1,177,497.75 of new shares under the pre break announcement, which authorised the issue of up to $1,250,000 of new shares in CRP at $0.006 per share. 

This concludes CRP’s capital raising by private placement.  As previously advised to the market, CRP will now proceed to offer a share purchase plan to shareholders at $0.006 per share.  The record date for the share purchase plan will be 5pm this Friday. 

Full particulars of the share issues are set out below. 

For and on behalf of the Board,

Chris Castle

Managing Director


NZX Announcement: Underwritten Share Purchase Plan

As previously announced, Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited (NZX: CRP) intends to undertake a share purchase plan (SPP) offer of ordinary shares (Shares).

CRP is limiting the SPP to raise no more than NZ$600,000.  Each shareholder of CRP may, subject to availability, apply for up to NZ$15,000 of Shares, at NZ$0.006 per Share. 

The SPP timetable is outlined below:


We are pleased to advise that the SPP will be fully underwritten by four of CRP’s existing shareholders, including managing director Chris Castle. Underwriting agreements have been entered into to this effect and CRP is now well positioned having secured NZ$500,000 more than its 12 month working capital requirement.

The intention is that the SPP will not be extended and will run to the timetable noted above. CRP intends, immediately following the SPP to proceed with the Antipodes Gold reverse takeover.

An Appendix 4 release accompanies this announcement.

For and on behalf of the Board,

Chris Castle